Mainstream Media

Mainstream media is media outlets such as newspapers, news stations, and other news sources that most people know of and believe to be "reliable". Mainstream media are the most popular news stations and outlets that normally adults rely on getting their news from. Although, mainstream media has become very distrustful recently as these companies have political views that align with a side, even though they are meant to be unbiased. "Sixty-nine percent of U.S. adults in the current survey say their trust in the news media has decreased in the past decade. Just 4 percent say their trust has increased, while 26 percent indicate their trust has not changed."

Recently, on June 22, 2017, CNN got in trouble for reporting fake news, it is unknown if the reporters just didn't have their facts straight or if they were purposefully releasing fake news. Although, CNN retracted the story and forced the three reports who published it to leave the network. 
Read more about this story here.


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