American Airlines Forces a Women to Change her Shirt

In October of this year a women named Swati Runi Goyal boarded an American Airlines Flight and not long after boarding a crew member told Goyal to get her things and follow him to the front of the plane. Goyal was told by the crew member that she need to either change her shirt or she would get kicked off of the plan. The shirt that she was wearing said "Hail Satan", Goyal is not a Satan Worshipper and the shirt is meant to be an ironic shirt to advocate for separation of church and state and for religious freedom. The crew member of the American Airlines flight told Goyal that "Our crew has found your shirt to be offensive". American Airlines websites states that passengers are required to "dress appropriately" and avoid "offensive clothing", although it does not state what items are offensive, so it leaves it up to the crew to decide. The crew members would not let Goyal keep her shirt displayed, they delayed takeoff and brought a customer service agent on board to once again tell Goyal that she could not fly in that shirt. Goyal was shocked by how the crew members were acting, she stated that she has worn the shirt many times without any issues, on airplanes as well. Luckily her husband was wearing multiple layers so he gave her one, with the text covered they crew let her stay on the flight. Although for the remainder of the flight the crew avoided eye contact and when the drink cart came around they also ignored her. Goyal felt very humiliated but many of the passengers were sympathetic and found her shirt funny. American Airlines did not even apologize for her experience until she tweeted about her experience.

Read more about this here.


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