What has happened to our society?

Our society has become so insensitive. From the video of the Mad World Remix of Moby Video, it shows how society has become, we aren’t currently this bad, but I could see how we could come to a spiraling downfall. One of the biggest subjects on the video is how consumed everyone is with technology and I believe that this was the reason for a lot of the things that happen now and that happened in the video. This video reminds me of an episode of Black Mirror because of how much it touches on the use of technology, in the episode of Black Mirror everyone was so consumed with their status and how popular they were they didn’t even realize the real issues in the world. 
The video also touches on subjects like plastic surgery which has only become a huge thing because everyone is so consumed on what people all the way across the country think about the way that they look, but getting plastic surgery and looking “perfect” doesn’t make them any happier about themselves. The video also touches on bullying and how that leads to suicide and how the people that bully even after the person dies use it to gain attention and act like they care even though they never did. This is very common now; suicide is something serious and bullying is too but nothing is changing no one is doing anything different. Our society has become dark and it will continue to become darker if we do not do anything to change it. 


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