The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court was created in 1789 with the creation of Article 3 in the US Constitution. Article 3 not only created the Supreme Court but also gave Congress the power to create federal courts. Congress decided the organization of the Supreme Court as well as created the Judiciary Act of 1789. The Judiciary Act explained that the Supreme Court would be made up of six justices and they would serve until they died or retired, although over time the number has been altered until they set on the current number in 1869 of nine seats. All of the Justices that serve are nominated by the president and then sent to the US Senate for approval. goes more into detail about the supreme court.

The Supreme Court started as being on the same level as the other parts of the government and then they began their rise to the top. They are still of the elite and the highest court in America. They get to pick and choose which cases that they hear, which is important so that they are not hearing cases that are unimportant. Although I do think that it is interesting that the president is the person who chooses the Justices and I think an application process would be a really great way. They could have filters on it so they don’t get people who are not qualified applying and it would give people who do not know the president well the opportunity to be a Justice. 


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