Students Upset About Required Reading

Georgia Southern University as a required reading for some of their first-year experience classes decided to have a required reading of “Make Your Home Among Strangers” a book by a Latina author Jennine Capo Crucet. When the author came to speak to the first-year class many spoke that they thought her book made generalizations about white privilege. The students didn’t understand why they were reading a book that was not promoting diversity on campus. Students also said that the author attached white people during her lecture and assumed that the whole audience was privileged as most of the students were white. After the lecture and as these students were filled with rage for being told that they have white privilege they got together and burned her book taking a video and posting it on Facebook. 
            I understand how students may be upset about this; it was an interesting choice for a university to use for a first-year reading. I would also have questioned this book considering it does not promote diversity. I feel that her book would have been great for a literature course that talks about other cultures struggle or about white privilege, because there are classes like that, and people know what they are signing up for. People do need to be aware of their white privilege, but this wasn’t the best way to show it. And the students that burned the book showed that they are not prepared for college if they were that upset. 
Here is the link to read the full article


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