Online Presence

I have been apart of social media for a long time, even though I have a lot of social media I rarely ever post on any of them. When I first started on social media I posted photos all the time, since then I have rebranded and deleted all of the photos I previously had. None of them were bad but I was young and did not know that a bunch of filters over a photo of my face didn't look good. I think that not really posting can be both good and bad. It is good because I can't risk anything bad being released because I am upset or sad because I do not post normally anyway so social media is not a coping mechanism. Although I end up not using important sites such as Linkedin as much as I should so I am not networking as much as the average person on social media does.

When I googled myself the first thing to pop up was my LinkedIn but unfortunately since I do not post a lot all that was on my LinkedIn is my resume. Following that is an old Pinterest page I used maybe 3 times and my Youtube Channel that has one video that was for a project in High School. Then there is a search for my facebook but I have my setting on facebook to be super private so you are unable to find me just by search. Then following that is my current Instagram, which has a total of 36 posts.
I have my Instagram as public, as I don't post anything that needs to be private, if I do post something normally it is photos that I have taken of food or nature. I feel that its important especially going into the work force, that I am being very transparent with what I put out there.


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