Google a Monopoly?

Image result for google48 states in addition to Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico have launched an anti trust probe against Google. This probe is to determine if Google's stance in the search engine market is yet too dominant, and monopolized. In the view of the government, Google controls such a large piece of the internet functionality. They control a large chunk of the advertising market, having holds in the auction, buyer, and seller departments. 

Image result for google
 Alphabet, Googles parent company, has a market value of more than $820 billion. Last year reported revenue of $137 billion and income of $31 billion. Google controls so many aspects of the internet that it's hard to imagine using the internet and not eventually using a Google service.

"If advertising costs are higher, advertisers pay more, and ultimately that's passed on to consumers." (Paxton)

Image result for googleA recent investigation shows that roughly ninety percent of all searches are conducted through a google owned service. With this power Google has the potential to drastically impact the life of those who use there services. From political opinions, to recent and past events, reviews on products and entertainment, medical suggestions, and so much more Google has the power to manipulate what people see. 

Image result for google"When my daughter is sick and I search online for advice or doctors, I want the best ones — the best advice or the best doctors — not the ones who spent the most on advertising," said Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge.

Here is the link to the original article


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