Are Amazon's Choice Items any good?

Amazon's Choice are items that are labeled as top rated items that are well priced. Although some of these listings have ratings that most likely weren't what the person really thought about them because the customers were given gift cards or free products. This once happened to me, I received string lights from an Amazon's choice, in the box was a card that said if you leave a 5 star review we will send you a gift card for $20 and of course I gave a good review which I would have done anyway. 
Although not all of the items end up being good such as the lights were that I received, so the customers are unhappy but they want the gift card so they post positive reviews and then believe that the gift card is repayment for a crappy product. Although this really misleads other customers who are in need of something and when they receive it, its not what they thought it would be from the reviews. It doesn't seem like Amazon is planning on changing this policy or looking more into these third-party sellers.  I hope that Amazon sorts this out soon as it is very misleading and can make some really unhappy customers. 

Here is a link to read the full article.


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