
For my technology to present to the class I decided to do cassettes I thought this would be really interesting as they weren’t around very long. They also have started to make a rise again which is sort of weird to me as they aren’t very easy to carry around and there are other methods such as our phones to listen to music.  Cassettes were released in 1962 by the Phillips Company but did not come out in the US until November of the next year. Cassettes became huge because before they were created people had to listen and record music on records. Cassettes were much easier and with the invention of the Stereo people were able to listen to music on the go a little bit easier. 
Although when the Walkman came out in 1979 they really boomed as Cassettes were so much easier to carry around and listen to music during the time you weren’t at home. Although they didn’t live up to the hype very long as in the early 80’s CD’s came out and as they were even easier to carry around and thinner than cassettes people moved more towards them. Cassettes are very rare to see now, although Urban Outfitters is now selling cassettes with popular artists music on it and Walkman’s. I don’t understand what the rave about something that probably wasn’t even used in the generation that the people buying the new cassettes is. 

Here is the link for more details. 


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