Apple's Problematic Need for Approval from China

Recently Apple removed an app that aided Hong Kong protestors be able to track where the police where, off of the App Store. Apple did this because they don't want to lose their ties to China, in China instead of them taking on the values of companies they expect those companies to take on their values. Apple hasn't had an issue with this, and this isn't the first time that they have removed something that China wouldn't like. In 2018 as exclusive Apple TV+ content was being created, the company told creators that their shows needed to refrain from portraying China in a negative way. 
Unfortunately this is a common theme with technology companies and the textile industry. As they want a cheap way to create their clothing and if they lost China then they would have to move their whole company and increase prices. China has become more aggressive with what their citizens are able to view. I don't believe this will get any easier especially as companies such as apple continue to do everything China tells them too. Big companies such as Apple should fight back, considering even if they have to move out of China they wouldn’t be the only ones suffering as China would suffer as well and hopefully eventually concede. 

Read the full article here


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